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Friday, March 14, 2025



Mark your calendar for the spring AADA Board of Directors meeting scheduled for Friday, March 14, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.  This year’s meeting will be a little different as Oaklawn continues to grow their hospitality and resort offerings. 

First, you might have noticed we shifted the Board meeting day of the week to Friday, March 14, 2025.This is not a mistake and was necessitated by the fact that Oaklawn Park is no longer offering Thursday races during the season.  Look at as an opportunity to get a jumpstart on a great weekend!  

The second change for this year’s meeting involves the location of the Board of Directors meeting.  This year, the Board will meet in the Catherine/DeGray Room at Oaklawn which is in the hotel rather than the traditional Arkansas Room.  Following the Board meeting, we will head over to the Arkansas Room for the traditional post meeting buffet lunch in the Jockey Club as well as an afternoon of races, including the prestigious AADA Classic, with our own concierge betting window and available cocktails.

A full agenda will be available soon, but we anticipate hearing from some AADA business partnerships as well as discussing key legal, budget, and legislative updates.  As we make final plans for the meeting, including a program for spouses and guests, please return the enclosed reply form as soon as possible.

As a reminder, the Oaklawn Jockey Club has a strict dress code that includes the following:  a sport coat or suit for the men and dresses or slacks for the women.  We look forward to talking a little business and seeing you at the races!

Call the reservations department 501.363.4625 no later than February 20, 2025. Refer to BOOKING ID# BKG974 or AADA BOARD MEETING SPRING 2025 when calling to make reservations.

2705 Central Avenue
Hot Springs, AR 71901 United States
Event Contact
Katrina Burnett
(501) 372-2596
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Friday, March 14, 2025
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